The following is a list of commonly used commands organized under different categories for understanding and ease of use. Keys proceeded by a ^character are CONTROL critical combinations.
^h: backspace erase previously typed character
^u: erase the entire line of input so far typed
^d: end-of-input for programs reading from the terminal
^s: stop printing on terminal
^q: continues printing on terminal
^z: currently running job; restart with BG or FG
DEL, ^c: kill the currently running program and allow clean-up before exiting
^ \ emergency kill of presently running program with no chance of cleanup
Login access the computer; start the interactive session
Logout disconnect terminal session
Passwd change local login password; you MUST set a non-trivial password information
date: show date and time
history: list of previously executed commands
pine: send or receive mail messages
msgs: display system messages
man: show on-line documentation by program name
info: on-line documentation for GNU programs
w, who: who is on the system, and what are they doing
who I am: who is logged onto this terminal
top: show system status and top CPU using processes
uptime: show one-line summary of the system status
finger: find out info about a user @system
cat: combine file
cp: copy files
ls: list the file in a directory and their attributes
mv: change file name or directory location
rm: remove files
ln: create another link (name) to a file
chomd: set file permissions
des: encrypt a data file with a private key
find: find files that match specified criteria
cat: copy file to display device
vi: screen editor for modifying text files
more: show text file on a display terminal with paging control
head: show the first few lines of a file(s)
tail: show the last few lines of a file; or reverse line order
grep: display lines that match a pattern
lpr: send the file to a line printer
pr: format file with page headers, multiple columns, etc.
diff: compare two files and report if different.
cmp: compare two binary files and report if different.
od: display binary file as equivalent octal/hex codes.
file: examine file(s) and tell you whether text, data, etc.
we: count characters, words, and lines in a file.
cd: change to the new directory
mkdir: create a new directory
rmdir: remove empty directory(remove files first)
mv: change the name of the directory
pwd: show current directory
df: summarize free space on the disk device
du: show disk space used by files or directories
*: match any characters in a file name
-user: shorthand for the home directory of "user"
$name: substitute value of variable "name"
\: turn off the special meaning of the character that follows
': in pairs, quote string with special chars, except!
": in pairs, quote string with special chars, except! $
`: in pairs, substitute output from the enclosed command
&: run job in the background
DEL,^C: kill a job in foreground
^z: suspend job in foreground
fg: restart suspended job in foreground
bg: restart suspended job in background
;: delimit commands on same line
(): group commands on same line
!: re-run earlier command from history list
ps: print process status
kill: kill background job or previous process
nice: run program at a lower priority
at: run program at a later time
crontab: run the program at specified intervals
limit: see or set resource limits for programs
alias: create an alias name for the program
sh,csh: execute a command file
This is a list of commonly used commands organized under different categories for understanding and ease of use. Keys proceeded by a ^ character are CONTROL critical combinations.
In the next blog, we gonna learn about the description of all these commands so make sure to follow me on my Instagram, and pls make sure to sign-up to get the notification if you like this blog, so give life to the blog thanks
Sparsh Sharma
(Black Devil Team)
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