Plagiarism means using or imitating the language and thoughts of some other person and projecting that representation as your original work.
The Merriam-webster dictionary explains "plagiarize" as:
To steal and pass off(the ideas or words of another) as one's own.
To use (another's production) without crediting the source.
to commit literary theft.
To present as new and original, an idea or product derived from an existing source.
Plagiarizing is a fraudulent act in which we steal someone else's work and pretend it is ours. The international copyright laws also state that the expressions of original ideas are considered intellectual property and are protected by copyright laws just like original inventions. Almost all forms of expression fall under copyright protection as long as they are recorded in some way(such as a book or a computer file).
Plagiarism has become very easy with technological advances like web searching and Copy/Past options. Most of the critics have linked carelessness, laziness, lack of interest, and arrogance as the major reasons for Plagiarism,
There are various types of plagiarism depending on their intensity. some of their types are as follows:
This type of plagiarism is the most common in the field of education. Here, the original text is edited, substituted with synonyms, and reproduced.
In this kind of plagiarism, more textual material is added to the original document and the sequence of the text is also changed
In this type of plagiarism, no changes are made to the original data and it is referred to as your own creation.
The simplest way to prevent plagiarism is by citing sources. Acknowledging and informing the readers that the material has been taken from a particular source is called a citation.
All the sources are not accurate/truthful. Therefore, we must specify the source which tells the readers the basis of our ideas and the extent of our research. The citation gives strength to our resources.
To avoid plagiarism, we can rephrase the material.
Use quotation marks around all of the quoted words to avoid plagiarism.
In the field of education, students should be encouraged to present their original, thoughtful and innovative ideas. Even if they want to refer to the resources, they should be made aware of the pattern of references. In this way, plagiarism can be avoided and students could be motivated to work hard.
in this blog, we learn about plagiarism and its type and how to stop it, plagiarism
in the next blog we learn about privacy, it's types and privacy, and the internet stops plagiarism.
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