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what is FTP ?


FTP or FIle Transfer Protocol is a standard internet protocol . It is one of he simplest and easiest ways to exchange files between two or more computers on the internet. FTP uses internet's TCP/IP Protocols to download software/programs to our computer from other sources. The source can be a web server or a remote host over the internet.

TCP or the Transfer Control Protocol is used for a reliable and foolproof data transmission over the internet.

IP or The Internet protocol is a set of standardized rules which determies how the packets are transmitted over the internet.

You can use FTP eithe rusing a GUI based FTP software or via MS-DOS prompt . Nowadays, internet browsers have a n inbuilt feature to make FTP requess ot other servers. TO access any file content using FTP, a user needs to login on the FTP server and provide his/her credentials. Some of the files are always available for free public use/download. such file can be easily be accessed using the anonymous FTP.

Hence, in a nutshell we can say that FTP is simply used for the purpose of file transer over the internet . It can either be data uploaidng or data downloading.

Question:How do you think the data gers uploaded or downloaded on the internet using FTP?

Every day we download data from the internet . It can be in the form of songs, presentations, or even games. Sometimes we even upload the data using websites, like or . The process of downloading or uploading seems very simple, with just a click , you can do anything. But what actually happens behind the process is important.

Since we are discussing a Protocol, We will always have a CLient and a Server.

let us ndersttand this process in a step by step manner:

  1. Suppose a client wants to download two separate files from the internet.

  2. THe client wll first establish a control connection with a server

  3. The client then make a requst for data transfer using FTP protocol and sends it to the server. THe server replies to that request using FTP protocol.

  4. THe control connection is used to send and receive conrol mssages. THe control connetion is initiated by te client.

  5. The data connection is initiated by the server after receiving the request.

  6. There is always a separate data connection for file transfer.

  7. After the completion of 1st file, the data connection expires.

  8. A new data connec tion is established for the 2nd file transfer

Though the data connections appear and disappear frequently, the control connection remains active for the complete session.

THe advantages of maintaining a seprate data connection and control connection lies in the fact that it simplifies the protocol . If a client has to download something form the server, the protocols of data transfer will apply completely on the data connection, whereas, the control connection follows the protocol of controlling the data transfer .

FOr example, in the middle of a file transfer, you can always cancel/abort the download if you feel that it contains some malcious software or code. you are able to abort this download since there is a separate control connection which is managing this download

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